Direct Mail Automation Tips – 3 Mistakes to Avoid

As the popularity of social media continues to rise, so does social media and the amount of advertising and digital marketing. Direct mail automation might seem like an old-school channel, but it can be a great way to reach your customers by cutting out the noise. A lot of people online have started to tune out online marketing so direct mail is a great way to make the most out of your marketing budget. Many marketers last year reported that out of all the marketing channels used, direct mail has the best ROI. If you are not seeing the success that a lot of other marketing teams are seeing with direct mail, there might be some mistakes you keep making. We put together a list of what NOT to do when it comes to your direct mail automation campaign.

Sending Generic, Not Personalized Direct Mail

Personalizing your direct mail marketing campaigns is one of the biggest factors of a successful mailing campaign. When businesses utilize personalized mail in their campaigns, they see 40% more revenue than their competition. On top of this, a lot of customers feel frustrated when their interactions are not personalized by brands. With direct mail, adding personalization is quite easy. When you automate your mailing campaigns it gets even easier.

Offering Too Many CTAs that Confuse Recipients

It is important to offer your recipients CTAs to ensure that they take your suggested action. However, if you bombard them with multiple calls to action, they will feel overwhelmed. There is already a lot of marketing noise out there that is going to affect them – so do not pile on with repetitive or too many choices when it comes to CTAs. Stick to one good CTA and maybe include a landing page that is customized with another CTA that goes with the original one strategically.

Sending Direct Mail Without Validating Your Mailing List

A big loss of direct mail marketing budget can be with sending mail that is returned, not delivered to the intended address, or is undeliverable. This is such an easy fix – validating your mailing list before moving forward with sorting and sending through the post office is crucial. Don’t waste your budget when you can easily validate your address data on your mailing list. Automated Direct Mail specializes in an automated process that includes data validation so you can rest assured you do not waste any money on mail that is not even delivered in the first place.

Direct Mail Automation with ADM

If you are ready to boost your ROI with direct mail automation, ADM is your local mailer that specializes in automating the entire process. Reach your local audience with Automated Direct Mail’s in-house team that are experts in all things direct mail marketing campaigns. We do it all in-house and offer help every step of the way. You can find out more about who ADM is on our website, or you can contact us today to see how you can get started on a direct mail campaign.

Check out these other great resources to learn more about direct mail marketing mistakes:

Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3  

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